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Henrique Braun Vieira Xavier, 26 years old

Brasília - DF, Brasil

+55 (61) 998045727


2015 - ONGOING

Bachelor degree in Anthropology - UnB - campus Darcy Ribeiro 

2016 - Documentary 1: World documentary course (Professor Marcos de Souza Mendes - FAC);

2017 - Visual Anthropology course (Professor Carlos Emanuel Sautchuk - DAN);

2017 - Documentary 2: Brazilian documentary course (Professor Marcos de Souza Mendes - FAC);

2019 - Visual Anthropology workshop with Pedro Branco;

2019 - Diptych Colheita/Fé at O que será de nós? exhibition;

2018 - 2019

Technical course in audio and video production - IFB - campus Recanto das Emas [workload: 800h]

Certification: camera operator, sound operator, TV and video editor;

2018 - Photography workshop with César Charlone [workload: 4h];

2019 - Internship as editor for documentary about the 15 years of the committee to eradicate slave labor in Brazil, called Liberdade Roubada: imagens e imaginários da erradicação do trabalho análogo à escravidão no Brasil; FINATEC;

2019 - Production for music video Risos e Lágrimas by Sandrox;


Dobra International Experimental Cinema Festival [workload: 6h]

- Experimental Cinema and Ethnography workshop with Cristiana Miranda, Lucas Murari and Luiz Garcia;


CriarTV project - Soubras institute [workload: 100h]

- Workshops on creative writing and scripting, introduction to audiovisual, audiovisual practices, editing, recording of LIBRAS translations, transcription and subtitling, editing for accessibility, editing for finalization;

- Making of the documentary Rock no Fim do Túnel;


Final Cut Pro

Logic Pro

Adobe Premiere

Adobe Lightroom

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Audition

DaVinci Resolve

OBS Studio

Microsoft Office







Gaivota Naves


 2022 - Dois





 2022 - Amor Distrital


Kino Lopes e Bruno Cunha

[directing, photography and editing]:

 2020 - A Aranha Tem Uma Mosca Dentro Da Cabeça (

[directing, photography and editing]

 2020 - QORPO - Morte Em Pleno Verão


Various Artists
directing, photography and editing]:

 2020 - Mais a soma de seus possíveis: parte 1


 2020 - Mais a soma de seus possíveis: parte 2



 2019 - Sandrox - Risos e Lágrimas


[photography and editing]

 2019 - Zéfiro - Lábios


 2019 - Zéfiro - O Rio (ao vivo na Casacajá) (

 2019 - Zéfiro - Lábios (ao vivo na Casacajá) (

 2019 - Zéfiro - Latifúndio (ao vivo na Casacajá)


 2019 - Zéfiro - Um Girassol da Cor do Seu Cabelo

(ao vivo na Casacajá)


Paradoxa Duo
, photography and editing]:

 2017 - Paradoxa Duo - Paracasa Pt. I


 2017 - Paradoxa Duo - Paracasa Pt. II


André Togni

[directing, photography and editing]:

 2022 - Veredas


[directing, photography and editing]:

 2021 - Daydreaming


Moon Pics
[directing, photography and editing]

 2020 - Moon Pics - Flwr

Trio Caravela
[directing, photography and editing]

 2020 - Trio Caravela - Tulipa


 2020 - Trio Caravela - Deixa pra depois


 2020 - Trio Caravela - Será que é


 2020 - Trio Caravela - Dança da libélula


Markos Assunção

[photography and editing]:

 2020 - Markos Assunção - Boca no Trombone


Vitor Adonai
[directing, photography and editing]

 2019 - Vitor Adonai Sexteto - Santo

Vôo em 4
[directing, photography and editing]

 2019 - Vôo em 4 - Cantaloupe Island


 2019 - Vôo em 4 - Danny Boy

 2019 - Vôo em 4 - Take Five

 2019 - Vôo em 4 - Billie's Bounce

 2019 - Vôo em 4 - Bala com Bala

Rudá Lobão
[directing, photography and editing]

 2018 - Rudá Lobão Quarteto - Partida


Lapso trio
[directing, photography and editing]:

 2017 - Lapso - Noturno

 2017 - Lapso - Até Então

 2017 - Lapso - Myrtle

, photography and editing]:

 2017 - Kaiba - Ginobili


Prometa jamais se calar de repente, pequeno aparelho de rádio (short film, 2022)

[screenwriting, directing, photography and editing]:

 2022 - Black Cat International Film Festival

 2022 - Tietê International Film Awards

•nominated "best editing experimental film"

 2022 - South America Awards

•awarded "best sound design experimental film" 

•nominated "best screenplay experimental film"

•nominated "best editing experimental film"​

 2022 - Pan-Cinema Experimental Curitiba Int`l Film Festival

 2022 - Art Film Awards

•finalist "best experimental film"


Chumbo (short film, 2021)

[screenwriting, directing, photography and editing]:

 2021 - Festival Frestas Telúricas


Aniquilação (short film, 2021) 

[screenwriting, directing, photography and editing]:

 2022 - 9ª Mostra Audiovisual Universitária da Unochapecó 

 2022 - South America Awards

•awarded "best sound design experimental film"

•nominated "best screenplay experimental film"

•nominated "best editing experimental film"

•nominated "best production design experimental film"

 2021 - Bahia Independent Cinema Festival

 2021 - Liturgias Virtuais (virtual exhibition)

 2021 - FestUni UnB


VITRIOL estudo 1: Multiplexação (videoart, 2021) 

[screenwriting, directing, photography and editing] 


VITRIOL estudo 2: Circuitos (videoart, 2021) 

[screenwriting, directing, photography and editing]

N 02 (videoart, 2020) 

[directing, photography and editing]

 2020 - Semana Universitária UnB 




Avejão/Abantesma (videoart, 2020) 

[directing and editing]

 2020 - A invenção do Silêncio (virtual exhibition)


CONATRAE 15 anos: imagens e imaginários da erradicação do trabalho análogo à escravidão no Brasil (short film, 2019)


 2020 - Festival Internacional Cinema e Transcendência 


Há Alguém no Vento (short film, 2019) 

[directing, photography, sound and video editing]:

 2019 - Galeria Olho de Águia: Mostra de curtas universitários 



Tecnogênese (short film, 2018) 

[screenwriting, directing, photography, editing and actor]: 

 2022 - Mostra Ela Faz Cinema 

 2021 - Mostra Samambaia de Cinema

 2020 - Festival Taguatinga de Cinema 

 2019 - LoboFest: Mostra Recanto do Cinema 

Farsa (videoart, 2018) 

[directing, photography and editing]

Antiparcas (videoart, 2017)

[directing, photography and editing]:

 2021 - Congresso do CRIM - UFMG

 2017 - Auditório MUS - UnB: Performance Antiparcas

Jurupari (medium-length film, 2017) 

[screenwriting, directing, photography, editing and actor]

 2017 - Galeria Ponto: Performance Jurupari  

Contos de Caos no Império dos Sonhos (short film, 2016) 

[screenwriting, directing, photography and editing]:

 2016 - Festival Luminoso Cinebar  


Mapa 4.0 da TV universitária brasileira


 2022 – Announcement for the new map of the university TV channels in Brasil

FAC Brasília Multicultural


 2022 - Webseries Dobradiça Entrevista

Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantástico


 2022 - FIC Fantástico CCBB

FAC Apresentações Online

[photography and editing]:

 2021 - Webseries Ópera na Cidade

Fátima Sousa UnB rectorate campaign


 2020 - Chapa 83: Tempo de Florescer 


Kino Lopes e Rafael Bacellar

[directing, photography and editing]:

 2020 - Teasers Cavalo Preto 


Hyago Leão


 2019 - Teaser Hyago Leão Tattoo - Hic Nihil Hic Salta


Lapso Orquestra

[directing, photography and editing]:

 2018 - Lapso orquestra - Myrtle (solo) 


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